Easy Spanish Rice Using a Rice Cooker

Ricer cookers aren’t just for plain rice! Here’s a simple recipe for spanish rice:


  • medium or long grain rice
  • chicken broth
  • diced, pureed, or blended tomatoes
  • garlic powder
    Method using the rice cooker:

  • Use the cup measurer included with the rice cooker to measure up to 3 cups of rice.
  • Mix in desired amounts of tomatoes and garlic powder.
  • Fill the pan with chicken broth to the recommended water level.
  • Press the button!

If you don’t have a rice cooker, here are two good ones to choose from: a basic and a fancy one. A 3-cup capacity is plenty for a family of four. Apparently, our 10+ years old trusty rice cooker (picture above) from Japan is now sold in the US, the Tiger brand, so I’ll add that here. It has a “thermal read switch to precisely control temperature and steam flow”. I’m guessing that’s how it adjusts the cooking time based on whether you’re cooking white or brown rice (which takes longer but we also add about 10% more water).

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