Update on Coconut Oil in Your Cream and Lotion Recipes

Photo via Swami Stream

Photo via Swami Stream

Well, it’s finally cold in Central Texas and our indoor temperature went from 80 degrees to 65 degrees F. With this subtle change, I thought it would be a good time to note that coconut oil has a melting point of about 77 degrees where it turns to liquid. So, my once creamy coconut oil and beeswax diaper rash cream turned to a stiff paste, but still useable. Likewise, the alternative made by substituting half of the coconut oil with almond oil is just right, although it was quite runny before the temperature change. My coconut oil based lotions stiffened slightly, but not as noticeable since it contains so much water. So, my point is: when using coconut oil, adjust for your indoor temperature.

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